Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
What is your pricing framework for an in-home consultation and organizing project?
In-home sessions start at $95/hour; packages are available for multiple sessions or whole-home organizing. These packages range from 5 - 15% off the standard rate. Every project is unique. As a standard practice, I encourage all potential clients to contact me for an initial phone introduction and subsequent in-home consultation. There is no charge for these services. Once the consultation is completed, I will provide a general outline of the scope of work, potential product needs, and a recommended service package that will optimize your investment and meet your project goals. Of course, in the end, it's up to you. I'm happy to work at whatever pace works for you!
How do you work with clients on their projects? Do you work with a client, or do you work independently?
I have worked, and am equally comfortable working, in tandem with clients if they prefer to be part of the process and provide real-time input into the solutions we set up for ongoing, easy maintenance. However, I realize that some clients do not have the time nor the inclination to participate in a project. They just need it done! I am also happy to briefly discuss the needs, goals and parameters of a project and do the 'behind-the-scenes' magic to make the project effortless for the client. A project wrap-up, either in verbal or written form, will be provided at the end of this type of project to make ongoing maintenance as easy as possible. A third option I like to give clients that are DIYers that simply need a bit of guidance, is to provide a preliminary plan, a task list and 'agreed-upon checkpoints to keep the ball rolling, in-person or even virtually. What makes you comfortable? I work like that!
​Why do I need a professional organizer anyway? Can’t I just do it myself?
The short is answer is, yes, you can absolutely organize yourself! There are some great articles online that will provide you the basic principles to make your project efficient and functional. However, there are some real advantages to hiring a professional organizer to help you with the process. First, a professional organizer can bring new perspective to a space. For example, let’s say you have a bedroom that has been vacated by your destined-for-greatness, college-bound son. You now see an opportunity for a dedicated space for the jewelry business you’ve always wanted to pursue. Sometimes it’s hard for us to see the potential storage, workspace and display opportunities that are right in front of us. All we can see is where our son’s stained uniforms once hung and half-empty soda cans stacked up.
Also, a good professional organizer will have resources and relationships that can make the decluttering process easier and more efficient. Let’s say you are organizing an attic space. You have some old clothing that is in donatable condition, a few pieces of lumber that must have been left over from the last roofing job, and some sports equipment (that son again!) that would likely still be usable by the next generation of great lacrosse players. Where and how do you dispose of these items? A professional organizer can not only provide the best and easiest resources but will often simply take care of this for you.
Finally, a professional organizer can provide the manpower and accountability that we all sometimes need to get a daunting job accomplished. Let’s face it. We all have good intentions and varying measures of time and strength to get our projects done, but sometimes it’s difficult to muster all of these at once to finally tackle the kitchen refresh that would make our lives so much easier…..once it’s done!
Consider a professional organizer to help you get the initial decluttering done and a system in place that you can easily maintain. It’s just the boost many need to finally accomplish the projects that are nagging at them and focus on the things that make them who they are and who they want to be.
What organizing scenarios beyond general organizing do you offer?
Breathing Space professional organizing can help new and expecting mothers set up a nursery that is stocked with everything they need (and not with stuff they don’t). We can set up a functional and comfy space that can be maintained while you change diapers, feed your new little one(s) and generally try to attend to life amidst the haze that often ensues after three nights of caring for a colicky baby. (Oops! I’m starting to share my personal story!)
Senior Living
On the opposite end of the spectrum, Breathing Space can help those whose children are now having children of their own reevaluate how the space in their home is used and create spaces that work well for entertaining and spark creativity for new endeavors. We can also help couples/individuals find new homes for items that no longer serve their lifestyle and prepare for downsizing to a more manageable home. We’ll even help pack and unpack, as necessary, to make the move less stressful and set you up for success in your new abode!
Home Office
Breathing Space can also help you get your home office in order and streamline the paperwork menagerie that often creeps up when you work out of your primary residence. We can set up a system that you can maintain and help you find a more peaceful setting to concentrate on what you do best.
Small Business
It just so happens that I have years of experience working in a corporate setting focused on the small business segment. With consulting experience in evaluating process flows and policy, I can help small businesses organize a space that is functional and appealing to owners, employees, customers and vendors. I can also review processes and policies and make recommendations to make your small business run more efficiently and effectively.