I remember my dad and brother spending a LOT of time in the garage when I was a kid. They had some pretty cool projects going on, including a 1970s Camaro rebuild. I guess the organizing gene runs in my family because I remember the tools and car parts neatly organized in boxes, tool cabinets and hanging from multiple pegboards. There wasn’t a lot of time wasted on looking for things as that clearly was not the interesting part of being in the garage for them. It’s still not the interesting part for ANYONE, but the focus for many in this space has changed.
The garage has transformed from just a space to park or work on your car into a versatile area with endless possibilities. With the rise of residential and commercial organizing trends, people are looking for creative ways to make the most out of these spaces. From clever storage solutions to functional workspaces, the garage is now often a hub for various forms of productivity and organization. Whether you're transforming it into a home gym, a workshop, a play area, or simply optimizing storage, there are a few key things to keep in mind:
1. Don’t get bogged down in the ‘rules!’ If you want the space to function as a parking spot for your car AND a man cave or she-shed-like space, go ahead! It doesn’t just have to be for cars and tools. It’s for no one but you to determine how you want to use the various spaces in your home, INCLUDING the garage.
2. First, curate what you want and need in the space. There are so many cool organizing products, shelving and hanging options, it can be easy to get all of the ‘stuff’ up front. You’ll find SOME use for that cool gadget, right? First, discard what you will not be using in the garage. Then, you can see what you have and what you need to make the space truly functional and beautiful.
3. Understand your organizing style. Some people like things put away in beautiful containers of some kind with labels to make it easy to find what they need when they need it. Others live by the philosophy, ‘Out of sight. Out of mind.’ (Ahem, I’m speaking to you my dear husband!). If opaque bins or tool chests/closets are not for you, there are shelving, pegboard and clear bin options galore!
Now, go ahead… Imagine a neatly organized garage that is ‘fit-for-purpose’ for YOU. Everything has its place, making it easy to find what you need when you need it. Say goodbye to cluttered corners and chaotic piles of stuff – with a little time and effort, your garage can become a well-organized and functional extension of your home. Ahhhh… there’s your breathing space.